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Threatonomics: Trends & Insights from Resilience

News & insights from experts in Cybersecurity, Insurance, and Risk Management. All you need to achieve Cyber Resilience.
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third-party cyber risk management

New Frontier: Cyber Risk Mitigation with Superforecasting

You’re a CISO, bombarded from all sides. New vulnerabilities emerge daily, vendors tout countless security solutions, and your inbox overflows with security alerts. Your skilled analysts are stretched thin, struggling to keep pace with the ever-evolving threat landscape. How do you make sense of it all? How do you prioritize investments, allocate resources, and make […]

third-party cyber risk management

Cybersecurity Essentials: The Role of Vulnerability Management in Building Cyber Resilient IT Systems

Navigating the complexities of cybersecurity requires a strategic approach to mitigate risks and safeguard IT systems. Central to this approach is vulnerability management, a systematic process that identifies, assesses, and prioritizes vulnerabilities within organizations’ infrastructure. Understanding what vulnerability management entails and how it contributes to preemptive cyber defense is critical.  According to a recent report […]

third-party cyber risk management

Mastering Cybersecurity Risk Metrics: A New Way to Think About Cyber Risk

Digital threats are not just possibilities but inevitabilities; understanding and calculating cyber risk is more than a precaution – it’s a necessity. Understanding cybersecurity metrics is essential to safeguarding and improving business operations. Calculating cyber risks simplifies complex issues and empowers professionals to communicate them clearly to improve their organization’s digital security. This requires a […]

third-party cyber risk management

Evolving Cybersecurity: From Risk Management to Cyber Resilience

With an astonishing 95% of cybersecurity breaches attributed to human error, organizations must educate, train, and implement a security foundation for all employees. This staggering statistic highlights the vulnerability of humans within digital infrastructures and underscores the importance of building a security-forward mindset into the culture of resilient businesses.   As cyber threats continue to lead […]

third-party cyber risk management

Counting the Cost: Understanding the Financial Risk of Cybersecurity Breaches

Cybersecurity breaches stand as a relentless challenge for organizations worldwide, causing substantial financial repercussions. As cyber threats advance in complexity, the economic impact on businesses intensifies, affecting everything from upfront costs to sustained financial health.  A thorough investigation into the financial risks posed by cybersecurity breaches reveals the breadth of direct and indirect expenses that […]

third-party cyber risk management

Rewriting the Rules of Cyber Security Risks: Part II

Building Cyber Resilience requires a new approach to assessing, measuring, and managing risk. Traditional thinking from both the security and insurance sectors views risk management in binary silos that either stop an attack or fail to prevent loss. However, the truth is that cyber security risk is significantly more complex. Being resilient to cyber security […]

Case Studies

Case Study: Manufacturing

Rapid Response and Strategic Solutions Minimize Disruptions for a Hardware Manufacturer

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Case Study: Automotive

Improving your security should improve your coverage. 

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Case Study: Local Gov’t

Focused and targeted incident response and management reduces the impact of an attack 

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The Building Cyber
Resilience Podcast

Tune-in to learn how a risk-driven approach can help make organizations and enterprises more resilient to cyber threats.
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12:12:50 min

Episode #10: Cyber Resilience By Design

Travis Wong, Resilience’s VP of Customer Engagement, and Tas Jalali, Head of Cybersecurity at AC Transit, discuss cyber insurance and business objectives.
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Building Cyber Resilience Podcast Episode 9 Featuring Guests Jeanette Manfra and Jeff Greene
19:12 min

Episode #9: Nation-State Cyber Risk’s Impact on the Private Sector

Jeanette Manfra, Director of Risk and Compliance at Google Cloud, and Jeff Greene, Senior Director of Cybersecurity Programs at Aspen Digital, explore creating security in an ever-evolving cyber-landscape, AI, and prioritizing cybersecurity from the foundation.
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06:24 min

Episode #8: Exploring Public Cyber Policy and Incentives for the Private Sector

Jacquelyn Schneider, Director of the Hoover Wargaming and Crisis Initiative, and Davis Hake, Co-Founder and Vice President of Policy at Resilience, discuss how private and public sectors influence and implement emerging cyber-security policies.
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00:00 min

Episode #7: Will AI replace the underwriter?

Bryce Goodman, Chief Strategist of AI/ML for the US Department of Defense, and Chris Finan, CRO of Symmetry Systems Inc., talk about using AI for cyber attacks and how it affects defensive roles in security.
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09:20:02 min

Episode #6: Data Privacy. What is security? What is compliance? What is big brother?

Sheila Jambekar, Chief Privacy Officer at Plaid, and Michael Phillips, Cyber Practice Leader, USA at CFC, discuss the human element at the forefront of security innovations and policies.
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01:45:36 min

Episode #5: Data and the DarkWeb. What is it, where is it, and why should we care?

Alison Connolly Halland, DarkOwl’s CBO, and Andrew Bayers, Head of Threat Intel at Resilience, discuss the ways data is collected on the darknet and the tools protecting business information.
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01:55:12 min

Episode #4: The Art and (Data) Science of Crypto Security Analytics

Eric Jardine, Cybercrimes Research Lead at Chainalysis Inc., and Victor Fang, Co-Founder and CEO of AnChain.AI, demystify blockchain technology.
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06:56:01 min

Episode #3: Threat Hunting In The Cloud for Fun and Profit

Anuj Malkapuram and Anton Chuvakin discuss the role machine learning has in threat management and the skills needed in new cybersecurity hires.
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01:13:36 min

Episode #2: Breach Science

Wade Baker and Dave Highlander, the minds behind Verizon’s Data Breach Investigation Report, discuss measuring risk and analyzing cyber breach data.
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